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Forums :: America Fan Blog :: OT: Very Touchy Subject...The Election Results Thus Far


Poster: King_of_Glass
Jude - It seems that the video I linked in my previous message didn't start from the beginning but started well past the middle. I just wanted to mention that as it's very important to view it from the very start. A couple of questions if I may. I hope it's not too personal - my asking you the following: 1) Do you have any particular religion belief? I'm asking only because I believe it's important to what I hope to discuss with you further on this presidential election topic. 2) If you are a believer in God, do you think it matters to Him which of the two presidential candidates leads America for the next four years? 3) Do you believe in the existence of modern day prophets? Some call them "ministers of prophecy" or "vessels" through whom God gives messages so they may be forwarded to His believers. As for myself, I believe in the existence of God and Jesus as the Messiah. Again, I hope I'm not getting too personal.

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