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Dan Peek Fan Blog
Re: The Start of the One World Religion?
Poster: King_of_Glass
[quote="shasta"]Did you observe the "signs in the heavens," that occurred this weekend? Another, among many in these last few years, prophesied event. [/quote] Yes I did, S. How about you? I knew the fourth and final Blood Moon of this tetrad was scheduled to be on 9-28-15 so I was expecting it tonight. I stepped out of the house to discard some trash last night and was shocked to see that the moon was red! Glad I got to see it. It's reported that a tetrad will not fall on four of God's feast days again for around 400 to 500 years! It's reported that this is the only Blood Moon that Israel was able to view of this tetrad, and that it was a Super Blood Moon meaning it was 14 percent bigger for the people in Israel. The feast day today is Feast of Tabernacles which is also known as Sukkot. I believe it was on the Feast of Tabernacles when the Transfiguration of Jesus accorded. I long for our transfiguration.
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