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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: "Cruising Out On An Open Road, "Ventura Highway" On The Radio"


Poster: shasta
Good Morning Bluey! Yes it is a very frightening time, even for what I had. Idiot Girl here kept thinking it was just a sore that was having a hard time healing because of tear ducts. The scars will hopefully remind me to not be so stupid! I erased my link. Yesterday I knew it didn't work and I figured you'd fix it. Thank you. Don't know why it wouldn't work, do you? I watched all segments. The producers of "60 Minutes" are very much involved in this series and plan on updating it in the fall. The one thing I don't understand is why doctors insist on doubling the dose when they get such excellent results with a lower dose? My friend Patty was getting into the desperation zone when they put her on a new drug in December. It worked very well, so they doubled her dose. That caused her to gain 50 pounds in water. So they gave her a HUGE dose of water pills, which sent her into diarrhea and vomiting, causing dehydration. That's why she was admitted to the hospital February 26th. Five days later, she was dead. Her blood pressure dropped the day she was admitted. Saline IV wasn't helping and she was getting edema again. The rest is a sad history. Over 5 years ago, the diagnosis (right on the heels of a mammogram, which showed nothing) was Stage IV breast cancer, estrogen linked. After radiation, double mastectomy, months of chemo and a complete hysterectomy, she was cancer-free for 3.5 years. She SAILED through all her treatments the first time. Everybody was elated, especially the doctors. When it returned, it had metasticized to the brain, bones, lungs and liver. Nothing seemed to work as well and took much more out of her, except radiation. That was still a piece of cake. Gotta go to work now!!!

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