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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: "Cruising Out On An Open Road, "Ventura Highway" On The Radio"


Poster: shasta
Good Evening Bluey. You and your wife have really been through it recently, haven't you? Sometimes life is just NOT fun, and I can certainly relate to that! The older we get, the less "funner" is seems to be! Being ill is one thing. Receiving treatment or taking medications is another and oftentimes exacerbate the problem. I'm glad your wife's issues weren't worse! I will continue to pray that all goes well and that her senses of smell and taste return. I am indeed sorry to hear your mother-in-law passed away. However, it's hard to watch a loved one deteriorate, isn't it? No matter how old we are, somehow parents remain fixed in our minds as being invincible and able to rescue us from all problems. Aren't Jack Russells an Irish breed? It's that Irish temperament, I'm sure of it! I'm glad your "fearless one" pulled through after the snakebite! According to Pikiwedia, the venom is seldom lethal, BUT a small dog? I can understand. On his own, do you think he'd be so aggressive? I listened to Dan's song, "Coconut Tree." I really like the music, but I couldn't understand the lyrics. I attended 2 funerals this weekend. Yesterday was tougher; a 53 year old friend who succumbed to breast cancer. It was a very different service and very nice. There were many people in attendance that I knew and I got to meet some new people. Today was a 95 year old ex-neighbor. I've known her since 1959. We shared the same birthday. At the reception, I was able to touch bases with a good many little old lady friends, one of whom invited me over to her house next week. She was my piano teacher! I also chatted with several people near my age that I went to school with. Some of them have really had some severe health issues. We were never friends as kids. But now I find it very easy to speak with them. The health issues have somehow leveled out the playing field. All the best to you and your wife, oh and Jack!

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