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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: "Cruising Out On An Open Road, "Ventura Highway" On The Radio"


Poster: bluey
[quote="shasta"]Good Morning Bluey! I hope your wife is doing better. I've been prayin'.[/quote] Thanks Ellen. I'm pleased that your health is on the improve. A couple of days ago we travelled down to Newcastle (2 hour drive) for my wife's yearly MRI/Checkup with her neurosurgeon. Nearly 3 years ago she had a CT-Scan at our local hospital for an ear ailment (we later found out that it was a Fistual) and by chance the scan showed a large brain tumour (Meningioma). She was immediately hospitalised and the next day she was taken down my ambulance to the massive John Hunter Hospital Neurology Unit, Newcastle. Because of the swelling she was treated with antibiotics (steroids) and operated on a week later. The tumour was removed but unfortunately a "side effect" was she lost her sense of smell and taste. Good luck or bad luck. Call it what you will but, only through having that CT scan, she could have been walking around for years without knowing she had that tumour still growing until one day something drastic would have happened. Further MRI "side issues" were also discovered resulting in her having to see a neurologist at the same hospital and being hospitalised for a cerebral angiogram, further procedures, MRI/MRAs and follow-ups. We see him again next month. It's was a very difficult and stressful time for her, particularly at that time also having her mother in full dementia and being very ill. She doesn't complain and has this outlook that the outcome could have been much, much worse. BTW, I know you have ask before, her mother passed away peacefully in the nursing home some seven weeks ago. Her ashes have now been laid to rest with her beloved husband's. [i]"Together Again"[/i]....maybe riding that highway in the sky :) Bluey.

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