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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: A Great Biblical Sign: September 23, 2017


Poster: Americafan

It reads: "The next day I was a no show at the rehearsal. A hasty meeting was called and the foregone conclusion was made formal. I was out."

The paragraph that follows states: "I don't know what galled everyone more. My falling off the wagon or my proclamation of being a 'Born Again Christian'. In any event, I wanted out and knew it was time to go, precisely because of the external pressures of the group."

Yes, Dan saying, "I was out," does indicate a "sacking." I had only remembered the "...I wanted out..." part. So, thanks for clarification/correction!

It does sound mutual, because Dan wanted to be fired. Dan's drug problems and the pressure he was feeling (summed up in Dewey's song "Are You There" kinda indicate where he was. It wasn't a bad time to leave, because America's run of hit songs seems to have slowed down. If they had gone more rocking and electric like the Eagles did, they may have made it longer. [/quote] I agree with you, as far as the direction of the music. It seems that once George Martin started producing America, their music shifted a little more towards the soft-rock / pop direction and away from the "classic rock" trend. If you listen to America's first 3 albums, they were on a more classic rock band path. When Martin took over, they shifted towards a more pop sound. It was subtle, and they had some nice rockers under Martin, but I do hear a slight shift.

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