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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: Heaven And Hell...Can You Feel It?


Poster: King_of_Glass
[quote="shasta"]Yes, KoG, and yet Mr. Moses acquired a body for the event of the Transfiguration, so that he was seen and heard by Peter, James and John. Hmmm.
[/quote] S - Who Doesn't Like A Good Mystery From Time To Time? [quote="shasta"]That is absolutely heart-breaking, that someone could be RAISED in church and never have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, never understand His unconditional love, never have the reality of His forgiveness in operation in their lives, and never have the assurance of His constant presence!
[/quote] Yes, S, that probably occurs more than we think. John Davidson, who I mentioned just the other day, is a prime example. Surely, he will be held more accountable for having heard the gospel and rejecting it than to have never heard. [quote="shasta"] One young mother was HIV positive! But she started attending revival meetings, God touched her, she went to her doctor and had tests done and NO HIV!! Absolutely not a trace of it! She, her young son and her mother were all baptized the same night! Now something like that makes you sit up and pay REAL close attention, eh?
[/quote] Miracles do indeed happen. I believe in them. I doubt that this one is real, But It Would Be Awesome If It Were. I bet he was on his way to buy some winning lotto tickets! Or, should have after having been struck twice.

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