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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: Heaven And Hell...Can You Feel It?


Poster: shasta
KoG I've SOMEwhat recovered from my day. A lotta hours on my feet, on hardwood floor. Anyhow, I'm not sure I've got all oars in the water. But I will take a stab at your question. 1. The verses I quoted from Revelation. Somehow they make me think that the dead don't have bodies. And yet... I'm still chewing on that one. 2. The Ecclesiastes 12:7 verse. 3. The James 2:26 verse. 4. Also, there's the notion that BC, some things were different, even concerning the dead. AD, seems to be better or more defined. And then there's that OT concept of being "gathered to your fathers." I really like that idea, because I never knew any of my grandparents, except one grandfather. And he died when I was 3. I don't remember him at all. I remember his funeral. I've always felt a connection with past generations, but the physical reality is that there is a DISconnect. That's all I can think tonight. Is it bedtime yet???

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