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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: Dan's Ministry Writings


Poster: shasta
Top o' the Evenin' to ya, KoG! What else does one say at 6:30 at night? So you found your quarter! Did you study it well? Actually, any coin will do, or paper for that matter. The point is: on one side you have George Washington and on the other side you have the eagle with sheaves of something in his talons. No matter which side you look at, it's still a quarter - 25 cents. I totally agree with you that all that's necessary is to "believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord." Contrast that with James 2:17 Amplified, "So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power." We cannot accept one side and refuse the other. They are BOTH truth. I explain it this way: Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth and if that belief is real, an inner transformation takes place (Romans 12:2) that conducts one into a life of "works." I like the Amplified's oft-added comment, "hearing, receiving, loving and obeying." Hearing is the first step. Receiving is absolutely necessary. But if that receiving isn't followed up with loving and obeying... I said I was task-oriented, not relationship-oriented. But that doesn't color my belief. I know lots of people. But there are very few who are "bosom buddies." Jesus had lots of people following Him. But He only had 12 disciples, and of the 12, only 3 were really, really close. I'm not saying only the 12 (minus Mr. Iscariot) or only the 3 are "saved." But we know that some who professed belief, fell away and stopped following. Judas professed belief, and he betrayed Jesus. What we DO, following our profession of faith in Jesus Christ confirms the genuineness of our profession. And I'm not at ALL into making a big show of it all. Jesus condemned that. Many of my "works" are quite hidden from others. But the "God who sees in secret, will reward openly." I count on that and not the praise of men which can be here today and gone tomorrow. We have to LISTEN to what God tells us. We have to KNOW who we are created to be and what His call is on our lives. Then, if belief is genuine and that transformation has taken place, we will have the works - or what I earlier called, "personal preparation." The 5 wise virgins demonstrate the genuineness of their "belief," through their personal preparation: they brought extra flasks of oil, in case the bridegroom tarried, which is exactly what happened. The 5 foolish virgins demonstrate unbelief (no matter that they were invited and traveled a part of the way) by NOT bringing extra flasks of oil. They didn't have the qualifying "works" and they didn't get in. O.K. the ball is in your court!!!

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