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Forums :: Dan Peek Fan Blog :: All Things Are Possible


Poster: shasta
Hi Guys. I listened once more to Chris Christian's recordings that Gerry backed up. I'd be curious to know how Gerry feels about them. Seems to me that his input was minimal and far less than what he's used to with America - far less than with Dan's two songs CC produced, too. Dan said CC wanted to "do it all" and wanted Dan to record his songs, rather than Dan's own songs. Could indicate a controlling-type personality, which is basically what Dan said about Chris in his book. On the other hand, Dan said Gerry is a "musician's musician" with the hint that he'd record with anybody. In one of America's interviews Gerry said he'd "done a lot of session work" and "you only do the ones you really want to do." Given also the friction that developed between Gerry and Dan (as described by Dan) you can conclude that Gerry is more collaborative and Dan wanted to go it alone. I also am speculating by saying that Chris probably had heard all of Dan's side of his relationship with Gerry and perhaps Chris ran tapes secretly to compare the stories with experience - including recording with Gerry. I wonder if he taped the session where both Dewey and Gerry did back ups??? Maybe that's what Dan discovered and destroyed? My observation of "Doer of the Word" is that Chris takes a backseat and watches Gerry and Dan interact. He asks about their "thing" leaving messages on the phone and pretending to be different people. I gather there was a lot of communication between Dan and Gerry at that point (perhaps just concerning recording "Doer of the Word" and Dan never mentions that in his book. In remembering that today is the anniversary of Dan's death, someday we will know the full story - and many more!

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